Church Life

On an average Sunday we have over 400 people worshiping at Life Church Bath, so it can be easy to get a little lost. We were never designed to be alone or to go through issues on our own. One of our values is to make sure that everyone who wants to belong, really feels like they do, whether they are a child or someone retired, a student or a mum. We understand that sometimes having space is really important, but we want everyone to feel that they have a home here, somewhere you can be yourself without any pretense.

The first step in belonging to this community of God's people called Life Church Bath may be to do the Alpha Course. This course will introduce you to Jesus and what it means to be a christian.  Or, if you are already a christian, sure of the basics of your faith, it will be to do the Kickstart Course. This is a great introduction to the church and a great place to meet and spend time with a smallish (30 - 40) group of people. Once you have completed the Kickstart Course we encourage you to join a Life Group where you can do life with a small (5 - 15) group of people, a place where you can be yourself.

Want to speak to someone? Email and we will do our best to help you.